What is Entiendo?
Entiendo is an instant messaging app with real-time translation, allowing you to communicate effortlessly with anyone, anywhere, in your own language.
How does Entiendo work?
Entiendo uses advanced translation technology to automatically translate messages in real-time. Users can type messages in their native language, and Entiendo will translate them into the language of the recipient.
What languages does Entiendo support?
Entiendo supports translation in more than 200 languages. The app is available in 26 languages at the time of writing and constantly increasing. Is your language missing? Contact us and we will see what we can do.
Can I use Entiendo for personal and business communication?
Yes, Entiendo can be used for both personal and business communication. It is ideal for communicating with friends, family, partners, colleagues, and clients who speak different languages.
Is Entiendo available on multiple platforms?
Yes, Entiendo is available for download on both iOS and Android platforms, making it accessible on smartphones and tablets.
Is Entiendo free to use?
Entiendo offers both free and premium plans. Some features may be limited in the free version, while the premium version offers additional benefits and features.
Can I use Entiendo offline?
Entiendo requires an internet connection to function as it relies on real-time translation. However, translated messages are stored on your device and are accessible without an internet connection.
How accurate is the translation in Entiendo?
Entiendo uses advanced translation technology, but the accuracy of the translation may vary depending on the complexity of the content and the languages involved. It is recommended to verify the accuracy of translated messages when communicating important information.
Can I provide feedback on translation accuracy?
Yes, users can provide feedback on translation accuracy within the app to help improve the quality of translations.
Can I customize the translation settings in Entiendo?
Yes, Entiendo allows users to customize translation settings, such as selecting specific languages or adjusting translation preferences according to their needs.
Can I use Entiendo in group chats?
Yes, Entiendo can be used in group chats, allowing multiple users to communicate in different languages and have their messages translated in real-time.
Can I switch between languages in the same conversation?
Yes, Entiendo allows users to switch between languages in the same conversation, making it easy to communicate in different languages as needed.
How can I download Entiendo?
Entiendo can be downloaded from the App Store for iOS devices or Google Play Store for Android devices.
Is my data safe with Entiendo?
Entiendo takes user privacy and data security seriously. Messages are deleted from the Entiendo servers immediately after they have been delivered and are stored up to 3 days pending delivery.
Does Entiendo offer end-to-end message encryption?
Entiendo needs to analyze the content of your messages to translate them accurately. This process conflicts with the fundamental concept of end-to-end encryption that ensures only the sender and recipient can access message content. To offer message translation, Entiendo needs to decrypt the content of messages on our servers, translate them, and then re-encrypt them before sending them to the intended recipient. This means that the message content is exposed to Entiendo during the translation process. We assure you that we take the protection of your information seriously. We work hard to ensure that your data is protected from third-party access and follow the best security practices. As a best practice, we encourage you to not use Entiendo to send sensitive information, like passwords or financial details.
Is customer support available for Entiendo?
Yes, Entiendo offers customer support through the app, website, or contact email for any inquiries or issues.